before check in the code

Before checking in the code, each developer should make sure that:1. Should have a Unit/Integration Test for the change/new feature2. Run Code Quality Checking tools(FindBugs/PMD/Sonar) on the changed code3. The changes should comply with the existing architecture/design of the application.


  A picture is worth a thousand words. A prototype is worth a thousand lines of code. Prototypes Are For Two-Way Communication The key element, and the reason for creating prototypes, is to get two-way communication. A prototype is not just a status update about your design. A prototype is... [Read More]

setResultTransformer in hibernate

یکی از مواردی که حتما در کار کردن با hibernate براتون پیش اومده اینه که یکquery بنویسیدکه نتیجه اون چیزی به غیر از یکی از domain model شما باشه برای مثال استفاده از دستورات count,sum,و  در این حالت باید یک مدل جدید برای نتایج ایجاد کنید برای مثال اگر شما... [Read More]