Programs are read much more often than written and therefore should communicate clearly their intent. Simplicity helps communication by making programs easier to understand. Making workable decisions today and maintaining the flexibility to change your mind in the future is a key to good software development. Programs should be flexible...
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composition of unreliable services
Kent Beck
"The mutually beneficial composition of unreliable services can be more reliable than a single service that tries to be totally reliable".
ترکیب دو سرویس غیرقابل اعتماد ُ قابل اعتمادتر و سودمند تر از یک سرویسی است که سعی میکند تا قابل اعتماد تر باشد
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کلاه قرمزی
Common sense and Code Quality
Resource Bundle Tricks and Best Practices
Common sense and Code Quality
Computer Programming Is Still an Art
Understanding and Explaining “Iterative Development”
C ompletely A utomated P ublic T est to tell C omputers and H umans A part